*English notation below
*YOUTUBE: PATICA CHANNEL(パチカチャンネル)でもパチカのレッスン動画を配信しています。
* YOUTUBE PATICA CHANNEL also delivers PATICA lesson videos.
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Originally an African folk instrument, a toy that mothers make and give to their children in Senegal and the Republic of Mali. If it compares in Japan, it would be a place like Ayatori or a beanbag. (Two spheres are connected by one string. The shape is played with both hands.)
Locally, it is called Asarato or Quesques, and there are various names depending on the region. Patica is made of plastic so that it is not easily broken and can be offered at low cost. Patica’s playing techniques were created in Japan, and are African-born instruments raised in Japan. Currently, each musical instrument store has a sales network and is recognized as a musical instrument.
●パチカの紐の調節○Adjusting the Rope length●
Please adjust the length of the patica string to your own length. Unwrap the ends of the patica and adjust the length. Also, if you grab both balls and pull them out, the knot will be tight, and if it is a few centimeters, it will become longer. Beginners should be longer. If you are an advanced user, you should set it short.
You can also watch it this video.
Hung Shake(ハング シェイク) MOVIE : YOUTUBE PATICA CHANNELPatica lesson movie PART1
人差し指と中指の間にボールを入れて、紐をその指の間から外側に伸ばし手に巻き付け、片方のボールを小指で握ります。そして両方のボールを軽く握り、腕を前後に振ります。 最初は力が入ってしまいますが、慣れてくると力が抜け、リラックスした状態で演奏ができるようになります。
Put a ball between your index finger and middle finger, stretch the string from between your fingers and wrap it around your hand, and hold one ball with your little finger. Then grab both balls and swing your arms back and forth. At first, you will get power, but as you get used to it, you will lose power and be able to play in a relaxed state.
Click Shake(クリック シェイク)MOVIE :YOUTUBE PATICA CHANNEL Paticalesson moviePART1
ハング シェイクの状態から、小指だけで下側のボールを握り、上側のボールを解放します。その状態でシェイクすれば、上側のボールが下側のボールにぶつかり、「コツコツ」という音がします。 紐が短くてボールがぶつからない場合は、長さを調節してください。
From the hung shake state, grab the lower ball with just your little finger and release the upper ball. If you shake in that state, the upper ball will hit the lower ball and you will hear a bang. If the string is too short to hit the ball, adjust the length.
Open Shake(オープン シェイク)MOVIE :YOUTUBE PATICACHANNEL Paticaleeosn moviePART1
ハング シェイクの握り方から、人差し指と中指を伸ばし(ジャンケンのチョキの状態)、その間にあるボールの音が、ハング シェイクの時の音と異なることを確かめて下さい。 ハングとオープンを一拍ずつ繰り返すだけで、素敵なリズムが感じ取れます。
Extend your index finger and middle finger from the way you hold the hang shake (the state of the rocks), and make sure that the sound of the ball in between is different from the sound during the hang shake. Simply hang and open one beat at a time, you can feel a wonderful rhythm.
Flip Flop(フリップ フロップ)MOVIE :YOUTUBE PATICAHANNEL Paticalesson moviePART2
ハング シェイクの状態で手のひらをひろげます。親指は、ピッタリと人差し指につけてください。その状態でシェイクすれば、小指側にあったボールが前後に振られ、人差し指と中指の間にあるボールにあたり、独特なリズムが楽しめます。初めて挑戦する時は、目を覆ってシェイクの音だけをきちんとキープするように心がけましょう。
Open your palm in the state of a hang shake. Put your thumb on your index finger. If you shake in that state, the ball that was on the little finger side will be shaken back and forth, hitting the ball between the index finger and the middle finger, you can enjoy a unique rhythm . When you try for the first time, cover your eyes and try to keep only the sound of the shake.
Hung Flop(ハング フロップ)MOVIE :YOUTUBE PATICACHANNEL Paticalesson moviePART2
In the flip-flop state, grab the ball that has turned to the thumb with your index finger. It should be noted that the string is turning from the outside of the thumb, and when it is grabbed, shake once and continue playing.
Flip Finger coil(フリップ フィンガーコイル)MOVIE :YOUTUBE PATICACHANNELPaticalesson moviePART3
In the flip-flop state, after hitting on the little finger side, with only the index finger extended, wrap the string back from the outside and hit the little finger side again.
Flip Helicopter(フリップ ヘリコプター)MOVIE :YOUTUBE PATICACHANNEL Paticalesson moviePART3
In the state of the flip-flop, before the ball hits the thumb side from the little finger, grasp the ball in the palm of the hand and make a full turn without hitting the ball to hit the ball on the thumb side.
Flop Finger coil(フロップ フィンガーコイル)MOVIE :YOUTUBEPATICACHANNELPaticalesson moviePART3
After hitting the thumb side in the flip-flop state, only the index finger is stretched, the string is wound back from the inside, and the thumb side is again hit.
Flop Helicopter(フロップ ヘリコプター)MOVIE :YOUTUBE PATICACHANNEL Paticalesson moviePART3
In the flip-flop state, before the ball hits from the thumb side to the little finger side, hold the ball in the palm of the hand and rotate it without hitting the ball to hit the ball on the little finger side.
Flip Airturn(フリップ エアターン)MOVIE :YOUTUBE PATICACHANNEL Paticalesson moviePART4
Hold the ball that has been rotating in the manner of a hang-flop with your index finger, and push the ball in the palm of your hand from the middle and index fingers. By the time the pushed ball is rotated from the thumb side again, the ball held by the index finger is changed by the middle finger, the ring finger, and the little finger, and the ball that has been rotated with the index finger is received from the outside of the thumb.
Dabble Whip(ダブル ホイップ)MOVIE ;YOUTUBE PATICACHANNEL Paticalesson moviePART5
When the ball coming from the little finger side leaves in the flip-flop state, the two balls are rotated once with the index finger and hit the thumb side.